You can reconcile your bank record by hovering on Action button at your Bank page.

  • Reconcile Account - to do reconciliation bank account
  • Reconciliation Report - to generate the Bank Reconciliation Report

Clicking Reconcile Account will bring you to this Reconciliation Page. It will list all the previous reconciliation action you have done.

Click New Bank Reconciliation button. Enter the closing date on your bank account statement onto the modal appear after you click the button.

Once you click Save at the New Bank Reconciliation modal, you will be brought to the Reconcile Transaction page. It will look something like in the image below.

How to Change the Reconcile Status?

You need to pay attention to the column Status. It will indicate either it is Pending or Cleared. If the status is Pending and you find out it is listed in your bank account statement, you can check the box at its row and click button 'Mark as Clear' to reconcile with your accounting book. It will ask you to indicate what date that the transaction should be 'cleared' or reconciled.

Once you manage to reconcile all the transaction rows with your bank account statement, you need to pay attention to the figures at the bottom of this page.

If the Adjustment is zero, then you can click button Reconcile to complete the Reconciliation process. Otherwise, you can create new bank transaction for Spend Money or Receive Money subject to the missing transaction in your accounting book record.