Project type determines the kind of invoices that you want to produce and track.

In this module we have 3 kinds of project type.

  1. Time & Material
  2. Fixed Fee
  3. Unbillable

Read further to understand each type.

A. Time & Material

This type enables you to create billing for hourly rate in your project billable amount. These hourly rates can be segmented into Project, Person and Task.

You can enter the rate for Project by the field next to it. But if you choose Person and Task, you can enter the rate in the section below this Project type section.

Person Hourly Rate

Task Hourly Rate

Budget for Time & Material

You can select the budget that is appropriate for your project. In this project type, the followings are the budget available;

  1. Total Project Hours
  2. Total Project Fee
  3. Hours per Task
  4. Hours per Person
  5. Fee per Task

B. Fixed Fee

The fixed fee type allows you to enter the Project value. Just select the tab Fixed Fee and it will display the Project Fee field. You can enter your project price. This is common for typical & ordinary project setup. 

Budget for Fixed Fee

You can select the budget that is appropriate for your project. In this project type, the followings are the budget available;

  1. Total Project Hours
  2. Total Project Fee
  3. Hours per Task
  4. Hours per Person
  5. Fee per Task

C. Non-Billable

Non-billable project type is suitable if you want to run your own in-house project. You dont need to invoice anyone for this project. Most likely you want to keep track of the man hours and also any expenses related to the project.

Budget for Non-billable

You can select the budget that is appropriate for your project. In this project type, the followings are the budget available;

  1. Total Project Hours
  2. Hours per Task
  3. Hours per Person